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Sousouras hotel - Camere și cazare

Camere și cazare in Sousouras hotel - Hanioti, Halkidiki / Kassandra

double/twin room

Sousouras hotel - Double/triple room standard Sousouras hotel - Double/triple room standard Sousouras hotel - Double/triple room standard Sousouras hotel - Double/triple room standard Sousouras hotel - Double/triple room standard Sousouras hotel - Double/triple room standard Sousouras hotel - Double/triple room standard Sousouras hotel - Double/triple room standard Sousouras hotel - Double/triple room standard Sousouras hotel - Double/triple room standard Sousouras hotel - Double/triple room standard Sousouras hotel - Double/triple room standard Sousouras hotel - Double/triple room standard

Capacitate maximă 2 adults + 1 children sau 3 adults.

Facilitațile în cameră:

View: ; Size: ; Rooms: ; Double beds: ; Single beds: ; Extra bed(s): ; Sofa beds: ; Balcon: ; Baie: ;

family/connected rooms

Sousouras hotel - Family room up to 4 pax Sousouras hotel - Family room up to 4 pax Sousouras hotel - Family room up to 4 pax Sousouras hotel - Family room up to 4 pax

Capacitate maximă 3 adults + 1 children sau 4 adults.

Facilitațile în cameră:

View: ; Size: ; Rooms: ; Double beds: ; Single beds: ; Extra bed(s): ; Sofa beds: ; Balcon: ; Baie: ;